What was the highest grossing film of the 90s? Titanic.
Who plays Keyser Soze in the film The Usual Suspects? Kevin Spacey.
What 1997 action film stars John Malkovich, Nicolas Cage, and John Cusack? Con Air.
In what movie did Leonardo DiCaprio play Frank Abignale, who was a pilot, a doctor, and a legal prosecutor? Catch Me if You Can.
What was Vivian Ward’s profession in Pretty Woman? Prostitute.
Whose voice is Woody’s in Toy Story? Tom Hanks.
Which animated film was the first Disney film to be released on DVD? Mulan.
What movie stars Robin Williams as a boy with Werner syndrome who ages four times faster than normal? Jack.
What 1992 horror movie scored Anthony Hopkins an Oscar for Best Actor? The Silence of the Lambs.
What is the first rule of Fight Club? Don’t talk about Fight Club.
Which 90s action comedy featured the songs “My Guy (My God)” and “I Will Follow Him”? Sister Act.
And with these 90s movie trivia questions, you’ll have everything you need to test your friend’s 1990s cinema knowledge. Whether you’re hosting a 90s movie night or just need a fun activity for your next party, movie trivia is always a great choice. And that means there’s so much trivia to uncover! The 1990s was a great time in the world of cinema! From action-packed blockbusters like The Matrix to epic love stories like Titanic, there are so many amazing films from this incredible decade. With the help of these 90s movie trivia questions and answers, you can show off your knowledge of this awesome decade at your next party.